

Geotechnical Investigation Equipment

Sr.No List of Equipment Quantity
1 Aker Straight rotary Rights For core/Non Coring Drilling up to 250 meter depth 07 Nos
2 Auger Machine complete in all respects 02 Nos
3 Hand augur drillng sets 08 Nos
4 Drilling Rods (42mm-60mm) upto 100m.
5 SPT Samlers in accordance with latest ASTM D 1586 12 Nos
6 Pitcher Samplers 10 Nos
7 Core Barrels (57-131mm) 12 Nos
8 Denison Samplers 06 Nos
9 Chain block 06 Nos
10 Mud pump piston type with diesel engine completes 04 Nos
11 Mud pump centrifugal fitted on machines & extra 04 Nos
12 Grouting pumps 02 Nos
13 Mixture & Grouting machine Nos 04
14 Field Density Testing Equi 04 Nos
15 Tool Boxes Complete
16 Heavy duty Donkey pump and multistage pump eith engines 02 Nos
17 Precussion Rigs(Doube Drum) 02 Nos
18 Reverse Rotary machine 02 Nos
19 Trimming pipe 130 feet
20 Timming (8-10 inches) 02 Sets
21 Casing (3- 6 inches) 350m
22 Diamond and Tc bits 25 Nos
23 Stand Pipes 04 Nos
24 Resistivity Equipment Complete 01 Nos
25 Chisels 01 Nos
26 Denison Pitcher and shelby Tubes / piston samplers
27 Chisels 04
28 Fishing To for Rods 04 Nos
29 Jeep (4x4) for field work 03 Nos
30 Steel Shuttring Plates of off sizes 16.00 sq ft
31 seaffolding joints 8000 Nos
32 Wooden props etc 1000 Nos
33 Hydraulic jack of 100 tons capacity for load teat 2 Nos
34 Pressure Gauges / Micrometer for load test 15 Nos
35 36'x40 ft rs. joints for load test' 2 Nos
36 12'x40 ft rs joints for load test' 14 Nos
37 Reverse Rotary Drilling 3 Nos
38 Hydraulic Drilling Machine 3 Nos
39 Hitachi Th-55 Earth DErilling Machine 2 Nos
40 Precussion Winch Machine with diesel engine complete 6 Nos
41 Casing 30"Dia 120 Rft
42 Casing 22"Dia 150 Rft
43 Casing 16"Dia 60 Rft
44 Bailer 30"Dia 3 Nos
45 Bailer 22"Dia 5 Nos
46 Bailer 16"Dia 2 Nos
47 Bailer Remer 48"Dia 2 Nos
48 Bailer Remer 40"Dia 1 Nos
49 Cutting Bits For Reverse Rotary 16"to 17"Dia 25 Nos
50 Trimming Pipe 10"Dia with complete accessories 350 Rft
51 Chisel 30"Dia 1.5 tons 2 Nos
52 Straight Rotary Drilling Machine (Auger) 2 Nos
53 Auger for Rock Cutting 1 Nos
54 Core Bailer 30"Dia 2 Nos
55 Hydraulic wireline core Drilling rings complete in all respect 02 Nos
56 Wooden box for the preservation of rock core samples As required
57 CPT.Water pressure test.Servey equipment. Piezometers etc. As required

List Of Soil Lab Testing Instruments

Sr.No List of Equipment Quantity
1 Sieve Set Fine 02 Nos
2 Sieve Set Coarse 02 Nos
3 Sieve Shakers 02 Nos
4 Hydrometer 1 Set
5 Oven 1 Nos
6 Liquid Limited Apparatus 2 Nos
7 Glass Cylinders(1000 ML) 5 Nos
8 Speedy Moisture Tester 2 Units
9 Specific Gravity Flask 05 Nos
10 Balance 20 kg 02 Nos
11 Balance 10 Kg 02 Nos
12 Unconfined Compression Machine 02 Nos
13 Extruder of UDS 2 Nos
14 Direct Shear test Machine 01 Nos
15 CBR Testing Machine 1 No
16 AASHTO Rammer 12"Fall 04 Nos
17 ASSHTO Rammer"Fall 04 Nos
18 Modfied AASHTO Compaction Mold 6" 03 Nos
19 Modfied AASHTO 18"Fall 2
20 CBR Molds 6 Nos
21 Stirrer 1
22 FDT By Sand Replacement Method units